Sunday, January 3, 2010


I think the metaphor that life is like a river is used a lot because it fits so well. Here we have another year gone and I am starting to feel them pass like water through my fingers. There are parts of my river where I got stuck in the weeds or failed to see where I was going and spent some time paddling into the shore line. There has been at least a time where I fought the current and ended up motionless in a dry river bed... waited... and eventually picked up my boat until I found the current again. It feels like I'm on the right river still, sometimes drifting and enjoying the view, sometimes trying to hook up the engine to speed things up, once in a while joining other rivers for a time. I hope that this year I remember the river really only flows one way, you only get to live this moment at this place once, so live it in a way you would be proud. This year I'll embrace the rapids and the doldrums with enthusiasm because this is a journey that was meant for me and I am meant to have it.


erin said...

I think my river is running right next to yours, and it's totally jealous of your river.

Emily said...

Our rivers chould always intertwine. If your's strays I will hike away from mine until I find you and divert the river by any means necessary.

erin said...

Hehe! Build a dam out of rocks and dirt to redirect.

Anonymous said...

Twins... Hmm, your rivers have always intertwined. :-)