Saturday, November 21, 2009

A needed Break

Thanksgiving Break!!! I have been looking forward to it ever sense three weeks in to classes. My first round of tests in my current classes was a little scary and a lotta dis-heartening. But I kept on, keeping on with my 18 credits. I finished all my midterms with A's, which was needed to buffer the first tests, and I'm happy about. I am so excited to see everyone this next week! I'm lucky enough with the help and love of my family (thanks mom) to get to go to Minnesota for six days. I will get to see Megan before she runs off to visit other family and I'm so glad that worked out. Katie and her family are driving up for Thanksgiving and Mom too! AND Erin will lounge with me in between (and go to the Vikings game!) I'm excited.


erin said...

I'll tell you who's excited! I'M EXCITED!

M said...

Your blog looks kinda Kansas...It was great to see you!

Anonymous said...

They don't even know.
Love you.
Glad to have been able to see you.