Friday, March 5, 2010

and then there are these days...

I'm going to assume. I am going to make the assumption that who ever hit my cat with their vehicle had no idea they did so. I have to make this assumption because I can't imagine some one left him that way. Left him to make his way to my front drive way and back to the garage where he sleeps only to find it shut and have to go somewhere else while I was not home. I'm going to assume that that person wouldn't leave me to come home to find the evidence of where Cougar was and search in vain to find him! I say I assume these things to divert myself from the rage I have for this person and to stop myself from wishing his car stops running in the middle of no where and he has to walk miles... in dress shoes... in the snow... up night.
Chris found Cougar in the corner of the back yard by the tree last night.
I brought Cougar home five years ago on Halloween. I picked him because while all the other kittens romped and played, he made it to my shoulder and stayed there. I named him Cougar because he was fearless as a kitten. Ironically he became a huge scaredy-cat and ran from every other cat as an adult. Cougar loved going on walks with Harley and I. He would happily follow along the porches and sidewalks. Once I tried to outrun him so he wouldn't follow too far and he chased me and yelled at me for a few blocks after catching up. He loved slimfast. He demanded to drink out of the bathroom faucet... I will miss him so much.


Rice Family said...

Sorry. I love you. I will miss your kitty who never let me see him.

M said...

Sorry, Em. It stinks to lose a pet. Love you.

erin said...

I loved that little man. And I love you. I'm sorry your baby got taken away. He was a good guy.

kenandbelly said...

I'm really sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Emily--Thinking of you on your birthday. My phone call said you are unavailable. Hope you are having a nice birthday altho it can't be the same without Erin. Happy St.Patricks day too. Love Gran